Schoolchildren in Central Wales have been acting as ad-hoc prosecutors in an attempt to reduce the speed of motorists on the roads in Powys.
Pupils from Radnor Valley County Primary School learned how to use laser speed cameras to measure the speed of speeding cars, which can cause accidents necessitating car insurance claims.
However, speeding motorists who often risk increased car insurance premiums, not to mention accidents; large and small could perhaps have been a little surprised when asked to explain their actions to schoolchildren, according to the Powys County Times newspaper.
PC Lyn Heard told the newspaper: “I would expect a motorist, who would have to answer to a group of school children, to modify their future behaviour while using the roads.”
Sarah Morris, a road safety project manager, added: “Inappropriate speed on Powys roads is one of the major causes of road traffic collisions.”
“It is hoped that motorists will adhere to and respect the speed limits, which will greatly improve the road safety within the vicinity of our schools,” she concluded.
THINK!; the national road safety...