The educational system often talks about the Three Rs of Reading Writing and Arithmetic. To a casual observer, one might say that the education system was flawed from the very beginning by the fact that it cant spell! In Karate, however, we can spell, and the three Ks really are three Ks Kihon, Kata and Kumite. Lets look at each one and explain what it is.
Kihon means Basics. Basics are the fundamentals of our art or style. In Karate, basics are our punches, our kicks, our blocks, our strikes and our stances. In order to build a strong foundation for our karate we must drill and practice the basics constantly. The honing of our basic technique is the very essence of our training and must be taken seriously in order to progress to a high level of skill. If we compare karate to learning a language, our kihon or karate basics are our vocabulary.
Kata means Form. Forms are sequences of movements that are put together in an overall pattern that we must memorize. Kata training includes the elements of direction, technique, speed, power and rhythm. On a deeper level the analysis of kata can lead to many useful discoveries for practical self-defense, since hidden within...