Ebay tips. Part 1 Please remember this is only a small amount of info that is shown in our EBAY VIDEO TUTORIAL
Do you know what one of the biggest money makers on ebay is?
Do you know that is has nothing to do with the auction you are selling?
That’s right, can you think of it?
The answer is the about me page, that’s right. Let me say it again, The About Me Page.
This one page is the key to making alot of extra money from ebay.
Every visitor to your auction is a customer.They come to your auction, have a look at it, then they decide if it interests them, then they either buy it or leave. Why not try to sell the visitor that is not interested in your item, an item that they are interested in.
Now the best way to do this is to use the about me page.
The key is getting the visitor to the about me page, if they don’t want the item. How are you going to do that ? Ask yourself this: What is the best price for something ? What is the number one clicked on advertising word ? The answer is FREE. The best price for anything is FREE.
So how do you use this for the about me page. Well the first thing you have on...