The King Of Queens premiered in Fall 1998 as a spin-off series related to the popular sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond. Based on the life of a bit character from that show, The King Of Queens follows the life of IPS delivery man Doug Heffernan (Kevin James) and his wife Carrie (Leah Remini). Much like its predecessor, the series makes use of similar marriage humor material as the basis for its premise. Throw in the hilarious Jerry Stiller as the live-in father-in-law, and The King Of Queens is one of the funniest sitcoms currently on the air…
The King of Queens (Season 2) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere “Queasy Rider” in which Doug buys a motorcycle, clearly violating Carrie’s stated wishes. As part of a plan to get Doug to sell the motorcycle, Carrie takes up smoking, telling Doug that she’ll give up cigarettes when he gives up the bike. But when Doug sells the bike, Carrie’s guilt causes her to buy it back, resulting in some unintended consequences Other notable episodes from Season 2 include “Parent Trapped” in which Deacon and his wife Kelly ask Doug and Carrie to be the...