A very sad frog sat on his lily cushion and wept He has been isolated there ever since he had insulted an ugly witch and been converted into a frog. Not astonishingly her felt unhappy and having been something of a a handsome gentleman when he was a human being, missed the company of ladies very much.
He had rejected female frogs as their shaky mouths and general stickiness was bit of a turnoff, on the other hand he had made some sexual approaches a light green, firm thighed she-frog and had been cast off out of hand on account of his skin was not green enough.
The next day she was roasted by the kings cook so he felt that perhaps she had received her just sentence.
On the contrarythe dismissal had something damaged his confidence and his ego was a little injured but he still felt hunger after a night of love with the beautiful princess, within whose river he dwindled.
How to recover his human body? He decided to lure her into kissing him it was always a good solution for haunted princes.
Day after day he practiced his croak until he could manage a tune and sing with a particular style I Will Always Love You and one day...