One of the more intriguing television shows of the early-1980s, Knight Rider (and K.I.T.T. in particular) captured the imagination of children everywhere while, at the same time, entertaining adults with its effective utilization of a traditional TV action genre. Knight Rider tells the story of an incredible crime fighting team brought together when the terminally-ill billionaire Wilton Knight saves the life of police officer Michael Long after Long gets shot in the face When the billionaire helps out, providing Long with a new face and a new identity (Michael Knight), the young officer dedicates the remainder of his life to fighting injustice on behalf of the Foundation of Law and Government (FLAG). Singled out by Wilton Knight and aided by the staff of FLAG, Michael is teamed up with an extraordinary vehicle that, if necessary, is capable of fighting bad guys all by itself
Knight Rider features David Hasselhoff in the role of Michael Knight, an ex-cop turned private crime fighter. But the true star of the show is Michael’s car, K.I.T.T. (Knight Industries Two Thousand), a sleek black Pontiac Trans-Am impervious to bullets, fire, or most any type of mayhem....