We cant help but admire designer handbags when we see them being sported around by Hollywood celebrities as well as by other rich and famous people. We go to the different shopping centers or maybe visit the online websites of the various designer brands only to find out that the handbag comes with a rather expensive price tag. While you may find other affordable brands offering one in a somewhat similar style or design, we really want the designer brand probably because of the status symbol that comes along with it.
There are those people who buy knockoffs or fake handbags especially if they cant afford the genuine or original ones. I have to admit that makers of replicas nowadays make them so like the original one that even experts have a difficult time distinguishing the genuine from the fake one. Plus it comes in a very cheap (I mean really, really cheap) price saving on you on hundreds of dollars.
But have you ever thought about the consequences of buying a knockoff? While it may be true that you are not committing any crime when buying a knockoff you have to think twice before buying one. The purchase of fake items robs our government of millions of...