A romantic comedy is a kind of movie that a mixture of hale romance tale and half humorous story, but seem like these days movie producer try to focus on humour rather than romance, to make the movie in top chart. The most distinct characteristic of romantic comedy is the writer trying to draw peoples attention around this issues
– The romance of true love
– There must be a person out there just for you, you just try your best to find him/her and you will experience true love
– Only true love and beat all obstacles
And the good romantic comedy have to put more humour into the movie most of the time, for example in that scene that when women and men approach to each other, this scene can be perceived by songs popular romantic comedies of each generation to attract audience.
In that sense, sometimes romantic comedy also have a plot story about how people in different generation relate to each other, for example, the play between adult and children in the movie Sleepless in Seattle. The writer of romantic comedy, therefore, should not focus on what is popular now, but have to think about the way they will recover audiences...