Of all the many variations of birth control options available for both men and women, choosing for the best one to use and practice is the common dilemma of most people. Birth control methods basically range from non-prescription options, which one can buy and use without prescriptions from specialists; prescription methods, the ones that require doctors’ recommendation before usage; sterilization; and the natural/abstinence birth control practices.
Despite the wide variations of contraceptive methods to choose from, most sexually active males prefer the sterilization method as their means of birth control. Vasectomy, which is the medical term for male sterilization, is favored by most men today because it is permanent and its efficiency rate is higher compared to other forms of contraception. In this kind of sterilization process, the tubes in a male’s scrotum are tied or sealed so that the sperm cells cannot get through the semen.
However, there are reported claims of side effects in vasectomy procedures. Some doctors and medical specialists even contradict to the efficiency and safety of this kind of permanent contraceptive method. Even though...