What are the things that really matters to you at work? How do you define success at work? Majority of the working people confess to experience a disconnection between having a job and doing what they are really passionate about. Many of these people are experiencing irregular sleeping habits, stress, and left for years wondering what really matters in their life. Since work is not just an eight-hour interruption of the day and you spend most of waking hours on it, it is important to start finding your passion and incorporate it in your job. Whether you like it or not, you are affected by choices you make at your job. How you act at work is often the most documented record of who you are, what you stand for, and what you believe.
For you to feel what really matters it is important that you can clearly determine the how, when, and why of the discovery of finding joy, serenity, and fulfillment in life. Firstly, you must find yourself. Many people already knows what really matters to them but are clouded with daily excuses and conflicting priorities that restricts them from following their lifelong wishes. If you want to find your passion you must let your heart and true...