Know Which College Student Credit Card Offer Is Right For You
Believe it or not, there are a lot of college student credit card offers that are available out there. Choosing which is the college student credit card that best fits you is the part that seems a bit more complicated. Hopefully, the following college student credit card offers will help you decide.
College student credit card Citi Platinum Dividend
This particular college student credit card offer allows one to have a zero percent APR for purchases made within six months. Also allowed in this card are balance transfers as well as cash advance. Take note though that this applies only if you do not in any way default to the credit card agreement.
Also, this college student credit card allows you to earn a cash back of 2% on any purchases made at gas stations, supermarkets, convenience stores and other utilities. Meanwhile, another one percent of cash back is also earned for any purchases other than the ones indicated above.
Believe it or not, this credit card for college students is a good opportunity for you to be able to build your own history credit. Take note that there...