It’s been said that knowledge is power. While that’s true to an extent, it isn’t the whole truth. Knowledge without action is almost useless. It doesn’t help to be a genius if you never do anything with the knowledge. I tend to think of knowledge as ammunition and action as a gun. (It’s a typical guy thought, I know but it works for me.) Think about it. If you have bullets and no gun, they’re pretty much useless. If you have a gun and no bullets, the best you can do is throw (action) the gun at the target. Not as useless as the bullets (knowledge) since action without knowledge is more productive than knowledge without action
The reason I’ve been thinking about this lately is that I’ve been reading article after article about how to make money, get high search engine ranking, find customers & prospects, motivate myself and others and several other subjects and realized that regardless of how much info I’ve gained, it’s worthless if I don’t act on the knowledge. And it’s the same for everyone. It wouldn’t matter if you had a PhD in Quantum Physics if you worked at McDonalds, or a library...