Known Football Logos In A Town Without An NFL Team
The city of Los Angeles, the second largest city in the U.S., has no professional football team. That fact, however, should not be interpreted as meaning that Los Angeles has no well-recognized football logos. In fact, it has two.
Every fall there is one really big football weekend in Los Angeles. That is the weekend when the USC Trojans play the UCLA Bruins. On that weekend, and during the entire week leading to that weekend, the team logos seem to be everywhere. The rivalry between USC and UCLA has become a widely-reported rivalry.
The rivalry between USC and UCLA seems to underline the importance of sports logos. The fans from each institution, the alumni as well as the students and professors, collect around the stands that sell items with the different logos. Each purchase represents an effort to demonstrate support for a favored team.
Sometimes the logo is part of the dressing on a special marker made by some students. When the students create such a marker, then it eventually appears on the TV news. That serves to reinforce the importance of the team logos.
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