As a professional, you often find your work wear and your career go hand in hand. Your choices may evolve as you advance in your profession, and the styles and choices are evolving so quickly there is always something new and chic happening. If you are a junior size man or woman, you may find that Landau junior sizing means you get the perfect work wear in sizes perfect for your physique.
In the fashion industry, the junior sizes are the sizes that tend to fall in between the missy sizes. Sometimes, junior sizes are intended for a younger audience, but this is not always the case. Junior sizes are, in a way, the half sizes between the sizes. There are a variety of differences with junior sizes that differ from missy sizes as well.
For instance, the build of the junior sizes tend to run slightly narrower than the missy sizes. There are a few minute differences that are barely recognizable unless you happen to require junior size work wear.
Landau junior sizing means you do not necessarily have to accept the kiddy look associated with many junior sizes fashions. Instead, Landau junior sizing work wear means you get the same styles and fashions as the missy...