Landscaping and landscape design goes beyond just creating beautiful designs. As a professional designer, its not only my job to create designs but also to envision every possibility of the mature landscape in years to come.
And while most elements will remain what they are for years to come, the one thing that most do it yourselfers and some professionals overlook is the space that tiny little sprouts will occupy when they become mature plants and trees.
Trees serve a number of obvious purposes in the landscape. Creating shade, wind blocks, noise reduction, boundaries, and focal points are just a few. Once I have established where Ill need trees for these purposes in a design, I have several other considerations before I can designate their permanent home.
Planting without considering the space that the mature full grown plants and trees will occupy can become more than just an inconvenience. It can be costly.
Things to consider.
Around Play Areas
A shaded canopy over play areas, sand boxes, etc. may be desired for shade from afternoon sun. However, you need to consider the mess that birds and other critters will drop right into your...