I have owned a laptop off and on for a number of years. Due to battery life and accessibility, they have just not been a cost-effective solution for work or pleasure. That is until recently.
Last fall, I purchased a Dell Inspiron 700m laptop primarily for work. It has been the best computer investment I have ever made and I have five computers in my home (Note: I am writing this sitting in the passenger seat of our family SUV after visiting Grandma.).
This is not a commercial for Dell. This is about laptops in general and the minimum specifications you should look for if considering a purchase. Keep in mind, advances are constantly occurring and the technology here will be outdated soon. Use this guide as a minimum starting point.
To me, the biggest concern or problem with a laptop has been its portability portability meaning the battery is needed. You absolutely have to have a computer with Centrino Mobile Technology. The Centrino technology allows my battery to power my notebook for up to four hours! Four hours!
With four hours of computer time, you need to be able to access the Internet (Thank you Al Gore). That is where WiFi comes in. Of course...