Laryngitis is the aggravation of your vocal chords in the larynx. It also causes swelling around the voice box area, which brings out the changes in your voice. In any given day your vocal chords open and close without much hassle. But, when you are infected with laryngitis vocal chord gets inflamed and irritated. These changes in the vocal chord weaken your voice box causing it to sound hoarse. Laryngitis can get so severe that you may lose your voice completely. This is a temporary problem which can be treated within 7 to 14 days. This kind of a problem is very common when the temperature falls leading to irritation of your voice box.
Laryngitis problem is mainly caused by a bacteria or a virus. Once the infection leaves you it is not necessary that the throat problem would leave you too. Other very common causes is yelling, shouting, singing, talking too much and loudly, smoking, and allergies are some of the other reasons. Consuming too much alcohol also causes this problem.
You could notice some common signs and symptoms of the problem such as loss of voice, hoarse and weak voice, and irritation, soreness and dryness of the...