Since the fall of the Berlin Wall many parts of Eastern Europe have become widely accessible to tourists for the first time. Cities such as Prague and Budapest had been a mystery for so long but now take centre stage on the European tourism map. Riga, the capital city of Latvia, seems sure to follow suit.
No longer part of the Soviet Union, Latvia has opened its borders and embraced incomers. This has had a dramatic effect on many parts of the country, but perhaps most noticeably on its capital city. Riga retains much of its old charm, yet has become much more tourist friendly. Many visitors have arrived here as tourists but then decided to say the expat community is growing and investing in the countrys future.
So what is it about Riga that seems to be enchanting foreigners? For one thing, its the atmosphere of the place. Riga has retained its architectural gems, making the city a wonderful place to stroll through. The art nouveau architecture that survives from the 19th century is a joy to behold the sheer beauty of some parts of this city (and this country) never cease to amaze.
Latvians are renowned for their free spirits and enjoyment of life....