Leadership: One Quick And Easy Thing You Can Do Right Way To Improve Your Results
People who want to lose weight search for a magic program that will let them lose weight without changing how they eat or whether they exercise. Late night infomercials tout systems that will turn you into a millionaire overnight. We crave magical solutions that are quick and easy and produce big results.
Well, I haven’t found any magic diet programs, and I never saw a get-rich-quick program that really worked, but I do know one “magic” thing you can do to improve your results as a leader.
It doesn’t require any special equipment. You don’t have to take an expensive seminar. It won’t take you a long time to learn.
Here it is. Show up a lot.
Sounds simple, right? How could something so simple possibly produce an improvement in your leadership?
Show up a lot so your arrival won’t be an event. If you only show up to deliver big news, the people who work for you will erect their defensive shields as soon as you appear on the horizon.
Those defensive shields make communication tough. But if you show up a lot,...