The term peptic ulcer is referred to both, gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is believed to have occurred due to an infection by a bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This corkscrew-shaped bug lives in the inner lining of the stomach causing peptic ulcer. If peptic ulcer is located in the stomach it is called gastric ulcer.
– Some of the common symptoms of peptic ulcer are:
Constant pain in the abdomen – which mainly is a duodenal symptom. This pain occurs within one or two hours after meals and also when the stomach is empty. This pain lasts for several minutes or hours and you can get relief by eating or having any antacid medicines.
Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and losing weight in the same process is another sign.
– Complications in Peptic Ulcer
These complications have certain symptoms which need immediate care namely hemorrhage of the ulcer causing bleeding. This kind of bleeding occurs without pain making it very hard to detect. It may slowly enter the digestive tract leading to anemia. If the bleeding is fast it may be more dangerous. The symptoms include weakness, blood vomiting and...