Learn German Words And Umlauts

| Total Words: 409

In the German language, there are at most 39 useful German words that are commonly used for both conversation and written communication purposes. The German words consist of German vowels A, O and U and those that have umlauts.

Umlauts or to be specific, Germanic umlauts are the fronting of vowels in the German language caused by assimilation to an original front vowel. The vowels in Germanic language appear as: , and .

is pronounced similar to the e of the English language as in the word bed. This is the short form of pronouncing this vowel. The long form is similar to how the English word their /eir/ is pronounced. is similar to how you pronounce bird /ir/ in the English language. And lastly, is similar to the French language u and the English way of pronouncing the words mule or music /yu/ and the German place Munich.

Germanic Umlauts are just a small bit of the German language. But the way you memorize German words doesnt require special classification; just a method to help you remember them. Figure how the sentence below can help you remember it.

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