There are three basic ways of earning money which include trading time for money, trading money for money and trading expertise/value for money.
Society and the formal education system promote the first method of earning money which involves trading time for money. In other words, you work for someone else for a specific amount of time and then they pay you. Working for someone else drains your energy and you dont make much money.
The second way to earn money is utilized by a small portion of the population and involves trading money for money. In other words, you are earning money through investing. Investing can be risky because if you lack additional funds then how can you invest any money in the first place? Therefore, many people cant even try this option because they only have enough money to pay their bills.
The third way to earn money is the best option. This entrepreneurial option involves trading expertise/value for money. This is the strategy of entrepreneurial experts. You have a flexible schedule, work less, and earn more. You can make thousands of dollars a day in this option.
In order to earn money through trading...