When it comes to making money online the fastest way to get yourself over the initial learning curve, is to join a coaching or mentoring program that will provide you with the tools that you need to ensure your success.
Unfortunately, all the internet experts that talk about being able to offer you the best coaching package online are not always able to deliver on their promises. Being able to create success for yourself is one thing, but being able to replicate the materials that will show others how to create that success is an entirely different thing.
In the last 12 months a number of learn internet marketing coaching opportunities have appeared online and are being run by people who are not trained life coaches, mentors or teachers. They have the belief that their success somehow qualifies them to begin teaching someone else how to do it too. But learning success from a book or being inspired by the success story of someone, and actually being able to motivate and inspire an adult to learn something you are teaching is very different.
One of the first mentoring programs I embarked upon was with an experienced internet marketing company who charged over...