There are various approaches and method to online marketing. It is important know about each method so that one can compare the results. this list sums up the online marketing methods. This is marketing at personal level and includes telling your network and friends, making a business card etc. Article marketing implies writing articles and submitting them to web article directories.
When you write article, you are allowed to put a back link to your website in author’s bio box. People looking for information will come and read your article. if it interests them, they would visit your web site for more information. Article marketing is a very good method to build links for your site, enhance your website’s search engine ranking and getting traffic. What is more, it is absolutely free until you wish to use paid services.
Bum marketing is a method of marketing using articles with a twist. Here, you search for potential keywords that can be dominated, write articles on those and submit them to article directories with an affiliate link to the product you want to promote. Forum is a place where people gather and discuss their problems, strategies etc....