Hypnosis is a proven method of deep relaxation that is used for creating inner changes in our thoughts, emotions and behaviours. It is also a medically recognised tool for controlling pain and reducing stress. The most common form of hypnosis these days is self hypnosis. This is a self-induced state of deep relaxation attained by either listening to a recording or by bringing yourself into a trance.
It is fairly easy to learn self hypnosis and, as with everything else in life, “practise makes perfect!” The key is to take it easy. Approach the subject with a playfulness. Do not try too hard to enter into trance for this defeats the whole purpose of hypnosis. You are going to learn how to bring yourself into a profoundly relaxed state and trying to force it to happen only makes you tense and has the reverse effect.
A major part in the art of self hypnosis is learning to let the hypnotic state take over by itself. Try not to analyze what is happening. When you keep the conscious mind engaged in analyzing you will find it hard to go from the beta brainwave state (conscious waking decision making) to the alpha brainwave state (the deeply relaxed state of...