Learning the Spanish language means you will need to use much of your memorization ability to retain the words from the languages vocabulary. There are different memorization methods that any learning individual can try but not each of these learning method works for everyone. The different lifestyles of each learner vary and thats why not all methods of learning a language are effective. Sometimes, time constraints interferes with the schedule while for some others, the cost of the learning materials is the main problem.
Fortunately for us, we can still learn Spanish no matter how complicated the reasons are. In fact, the most effective way of learning and mastering a Spanish vocabulary is when you spend little time to it. A matter of three minutes will do. The best thing about it is that it doesnt have to cost you anything at all, just your time. But what is three minutes for someone who has all day to do a dozen of other things?
Gather up your interest to forego other things for the next three minutes. Learning the Spanish vocabulary doesnt have to be difficult but it doesnt have to be quick either. Take a piece of paper and write down the first set of Spanish...