Many of us are not satisfied with ourselves, with some particular features of our character or the results of our own deeds. Psychologists refer to such phenomenon as low self esteem. So, why dont we value ourselves? First of all our self esteem depends on how other people perceive us. We are inclined to base our self esteem on other peoples opinions. It is especially typical of children. Little children are not able to analyze their activity and their confidence depends on adults estimation of their behavior. Besides during all our lives we always compare the image of our ideal ego with our real ego. And if our real I is too far form the ideal our self esteem suffers from it. But in most cases thee are no reasons for that, as our ideal image may be too perfect and unreal.
People with low self esteem do not hope for success in their activities and they are more likely to act, just trying to escape from our failures. And even when they attain positive results, they attribute their small victories to external factors (the task was too easy; it was just luck). And the feeling of discontent with themselves is growing dramatically. It is a kind of vicious circle: people...