I have been a college professor for nearly twenty years. I say that only to give background to the piece of advice that I am about to share with you. I’m often asked by students that are about to head off to college if I have any words of wisdom or pieces of advice to share with them. Yes, I do. I have a lot of advice for students entering college. The college world is drastially different than life growing up with your family. There is much I could share, but I’ll stick to one piece of advice that might surprise you: learn to love book summaries.
What? Not the advice you were expecting? Well, there you have it. My number one piece of advice (academically anyway) for students entering college. You are surprised by this because I have already said that I am a college professor. Well, I’ll explain why book summaries can save your college experience. It is really quite simple.
College isn’t easy. You’ve probably heard that from every person you know that has been in college and lived to talk about it. It is not high school anymore, and so everything is cranked up a level and you’ll find that more is required of you in college....