We all want to have more power in our golf swing. Want to see that ball go sailing off the tee straight down the fairway a couple of hundred yards. Now of course we’ve all also seen someone consistently do that at a course on Sunday afternoon, so effortlessly, just like the club was slicing through butter. What do these people with the perfect golf swing and a perfect drive every time have that we don’t have. Is it speed, strength, or a better driver? Chances are none of the above, what they have mastered is their golf swing mechanics.
Of course a better driver made of the latest and greatest material will help add a few yards to your drive, also having strength in the right muscles will help out. How ever all of these things aren’t worth a dime if you’re not using them correctly. And to use them correctly you need to have the right swing mechanics down. Until you understand exactly what happens when you swing a golf club, how the weight is transferred and how mechanics come into play rather then brute force and strength you’ll continue to either duff the ball or be plagued by that evil hook or slice.
So is this to say that you should...