In todays world where we struggle to balance work, family, and finances, stress can sometimes feel like the most prevalent thing in our life. Weighing heavily on our shoulders, stress captures us in its grip as we fall victim to the myriad of physical and emotional repercussions.
While a small amount of stress can be a healthy even motivational tool to help us achieve our goals and meet deadlines, long term and consistent stress can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. Learning how to manage stress can mean the difference between a happy, healthy life and a life of poor health and mental exhaustion.
Learning how to manage stress can mean very different things to different people; but the fundamentals are the same. Stress keeps us in a constant state of hyper-vigilance; our bodies are on edge; our minds racing. If we do not learn to carve out our own downtime, we will simply burn out.
Instead, manage stress by exploring those activities or hobbies that make you feel relaxed and happy. Take time every day to engage in these activities. Even a small amount of time in this relaxed state will go a long way towards rejuvenating our bodies and minds. To that...