Foreign language learning is not something that happens overnight; it takes a commitment of time and money. U.S. schools compound the problem by waiting too long to start foreign language instruction. According to ACTFL Professional Programs Director Elvira Swender, U.S. students often start learning foreign languages at puberty, an age at which their brains are least receptive to language learning. Swender also notes the relative unimportance that schools assign to languages. It doesnt occur to anyone that we should wait to teach students math, she points out, so why do we wait with foreign languages?
Why has America always had this love-hate relationship with learning a second language? What is it that Americans seem to fear in the acquisition of a second languagea fear so great that they will resort to English Only legislative efforts to assure that their children are not brutalized by the introduction of a foreign language in their schools.
Why pass laws to repress bilingualism, a resource that competitors are trying to conserve and exploit? (brutalize our schools with their languageFrosty Wooldridge, an anti-Mexican xenophobe and Minuteman Project...