It is said that the therapeutic aspect of cooking brings relaxation to both body and mind. Today’s world is hectic and it is very vital that we engross ourselves into preparing dishes rich in nutrition value and balanced to keep ourselves hale and healthy. So just prepare whatever you feel comfortable. It is not necessary to be grand and rich in taste but it should be satisfying and rich in basic nutritional content. You need to adjust the measurements according to your taste and flavor requirements.
The first step is to keep your kitchen ready for a good start. Then plan for the kind of dish you are going to prepare. Make sure you know the process before starting. Ensure that you have all the major ingredients ready in hand to prevent the cooking time to cross its limits. Light the gas and start your cooking process. Suppose you are in need of a dish which is low in fat. Just purchase a non stick cookware of affordable cost and low fat books which contains such recipes. You should cut on your spicy taste and reduce the use of fat rich oils for cooking. Use olive oil instead as it improves the taste and is also healthier. Use only a teaspoon of oil for...