Think twice before clicking on that enticing banner or emails for a free luxury, all expenses paid vacation. Many internet users are targets for scammers from all over the world. Scam victims are often getting tricked into paying money up front while the scammer simply takes the money and disappears without a trace. Millions of dollars are being earned through scamming via email, phone calls, banners, and even postal mail. Of course, there are genuine travel offers that exist but they are being shunned because there have been an increase of reported cases of fraud and scam.
In some cases, the travel packages offered do go through, however, they are lacking components that it had originally promised. There are some smart tips to keep in mind the next time you or anyone you know are confronted with these travel offers. First off, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is! If you have not entered any travel contests and you are being communicated to about winning a wonderful vacation package, it is more than likely, a scam. Some legitimate travel agencies do require an initial lump sum amount so do your research carefully and if any red flags are raised, proceed...