Why do we fall for these things time after time and why are some people getting rich from these schemes at the expense of broken dreams and life changing decisions for the worse? In the next several paragraphs I want to warn you about these so called part time jobs lies.
First, before I lose people, there is such thing as a legitimate part time jobs but compared to the vast majority of these so call opportunities they are very few and rather far between. I mean sure there are people that because of the internet can carry on their job remotely from the location of their choice, but this is a far cry from the claims of many of these scams that offer you wads of cash for a couple hours of work per day and with no experience or training required. This is absolutely ridiculous if you think about it and that is the problem people would rather believe lies than face the cold hard truth that you have to work hard for a living.
Second beware of multi level marketing claims. They will claim that they are not a pyramidal system, which is illegal, but they are for the most part. They will talk to you about passive income all from saving you and your friends lots of money on...