“Body – I know composition, but the pictures are always terrible. Even the old film stuff that my parents used in my younger days came out much better. You would think that in the 21st century, with all the electronics and gizmos, I would be able to take a good, sharp picture. The answer is, I can. There are plenty of digital SLR (Single Lens Reflex) cameras out there from Canon & Nikon and others. The image quality of photographs produced from these beautiful beasts is almost like those of Ansel Adams’.
Now you are probably asking yourself: you know, I have been to a photo store, and I saw that photography isn’t cheap. Any good dSLR setup will cost a few months worth of my mortgage! How can I afford such items? The answer is simple. You probably do not have a whole video store worth of movies at home. Instead you go to Blockbuster, or get movies from Netflix where you pay only a small amount for a video rental and get to sample all the fancy new releases without spending $20 at the store for a movie you will watch once. The same model works for photo equipment. The two magic words are “”lens rentals.”” Or,...