It is time for less talk and more action – loving action.
Loving actions are those actions that support our highest good and the highest good of others. Loving actions are those actions that are motivated by love rather than by fear.
Many people who have been on a path of personal and spiritual growth have spent a lot of time talking. Talking with friends about what is wrong and what they want. Talking with therapists about their past and their beliefs. Talking with a mate about what needs changing. They have explored and explored and talked and talked – and not much has changed.
Exploring our limiting beliefs and where we got them is essential for opening the door to loving action, but taking loving action is the secret to joy. We can talk and talk and learn and learn, but until we are willing to take loving action, nothing will change. It is not that it is time to stop learning about our fears and beliefs, but it is time for all this learning to result in loving action.
We are always taking action, yet much of the time the actions we take are not loving, in that they do not support our...