Let The Games Begin – Taking Your Sporting Passion Online!
Sports fans just may be the most loyal, enthusiastic, and excitable fans around. It does not take much for a football fan to start talking about their favorite team, a hockey fan to recount the best play of the year, or a baseball fan to rant about an upcoming season. And if it is a basketball fan, don’t even get them started on March Madness!
Come March, you can bet that everyone who follows college basketball is scouring the media to find out as much as they can about the twenty-day tournament that is also called “The Big Dance.” The fanatic groupies are devouring all the information they can–from the players’ stats, the hottest team gossip, and who, at the moment, is expected to take home the trophy–and even the mild enthusiasts are hungry for the latest news on the championship teams.
To get the full scoop, these fans will undoubtedly turn to a sports website. Designed for the hardcore followers and the casual observers, a sports website can be as specific or as general as you want it to be. For example, a basketball website may have a special section...