Do you remember when you first moved into your house? You were ecstatic. It was a relief to be finally out of your claustrophobic apartment. Finally, you get to step out into a lovely yard overflowing with soft, fresh breeze. Its a sharp contrast to your apartment where you only step out to a narrow hallway that was anything but friendly.
Enough Assuage
Your house was not perfect, though. It was only a two-bedroom bungalow in need of some home improvements. The paint was peeling, the wallpapers were not in good condition, and the kitchen was not very inviting. Still, you were pleased. The thought of having your own home, your very own space was enough assuage.
But not for long. It was only too soon when you realized that you were once again gnawed by dissatisfaction. You just felt the dire need to have a better furnished home. The shabbiness of the house seemed to be gnawing at you. Suddenly, everything was just plain drab.
And when you had your improvements, you still wanted more. And thats how you have been always – you keep vying for something and when you already have it, you aim for more. Its never-ending, this series...