Life and health insurance have long been recognized as necessary and essential elements in an individual’s or a family financial program. In a modern society, a sense of family responsibility meant that life and health insurance would grow in importance.
And still today life and health insurance continue to occupy an important role in the financial planning process.
This article has the purpose to provide an introduction to this process and highlights the means by which life and health insurance can assist in accomplishing one’s financial plans.
A personal financial planning can be considered the process where an individual or a family decided to develop and implement an integrated plan to accomplish their objectives. The essential elements of this financial planning concept are the identification of financial goals and the development of an integrated plan to accomplish the objectives.
As all of us know humans are exposed to many serious perils, such as property losses from fire and windstorm, and personal losses from disability and death. Although individuals can not predict or prevent completely the occurrence of these dangerous events,...