Have you been swiping your credit card dead? Have you been unable to resist the temptation of impulse buying? Does a day to by without you actually buying something something that you really don’t need or can’t afford?
If the above scenario is anywhere near your current situation you may be headed for a financial tsunami or in plain English a bankruptcy. Unfortunately, too many people dismiss thoughtless spending as something that is actually harmless – that there is absolutely nothing bad about it but nothing could be further from the truth.
Man has passed thousands upon thousands of laws, some are good and some are really bad but there are also universal laws and one that always comes to roost when people over indulge is this for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, for every bad financial decision today, there will be an equal and opposite financial consequence tomorrow. In some cases, tomorrow might be a few months or in others a few years but it will come count on it.
Shoring up your financial situation not only makes good sense financially but it also makes good sense emotionally and physically....