What subject do people really hate to talk about? Accounting? Taxes? No, that would be life insurance. The topic of buying something that you hope will not use soon, can really stress some people.
Recent polls suggest most people are under insured or over insured. If that is the case, how do you make sure you have what is right for you? How do you make sure that you have the life insurance coverage you need?
How Much Life Insurance Is Enough?
There are online calculators that calculate information on your situation and give you a number in dollars. The general rule of thumb is 10 times your annual salary, but often this is wildly off the amount you need. As there are any number of calculators online, you can find answers to your questions by looking at them to see your situation from different points of view.
How Much Life Insurance Is Too Little?
This again depends on your assets and how much you have saved. Most people are also lacking in disability insurance. Both of these life insurance needs should really be taken together because they go in tandem. If you are well life insured but become disabled in an accident, that will not help...