Every year check your finances to make sure your money is invested properly and that you have adequate life insurance. We’ve all read the articles and brochures but, with the changing nature of the product and an individual’s changing needs, it is always worthwhile to make sure your life insurance is working for you. Life insurance plays a big part in a person’s financial picture. The same thinking applies to your investments.
Do You Have Life Insurance At Work?
A common work benefit is group life insurance, which includes mostly, health and disability life insurance. It’s a great benefit compared to the cost ratio as many persons are involved. One consideration however is that the policy is not portable. If you change jobs the policy doesn’t go with you and if your health condition changes, it may prove difficult to get the same coverage.
Personal Life Insurance Policies
As mentioned, one of the significant advantages to a life insurance policy which you own, is the portability. You are paying premiums for something you own. You can select the policy type, its term and the beneficiaries to suit your own needs....