Lifting The Lid On The “Work At Home Assembly” Scam
Have you ever been tempted by advertisements for a home assembly business “opportunity” that comes with a guaranteed customer base? If so, just before you send off for details, ask yourself why this offer is being made online instead of being marketed to people who live in the same neighborhood as the assembly business. Surely it would be cheaper to offer people in the vicinity of the business the chance to assemble products – people could pick up the kits themselves and save the business shipping expenses. The reason why such businesses prefer an online market is that they prefer to remain as remote as possible from those who sign up to their so called “opportunity”.
Before embarking on a home assembly business you need to be aware that there are hidden costs. You will be charged to have the company send you the pieces and parts. You will also have to pay to send the finished products back to the company that hired you to assemble the products. So you see, the reason why they don’t hire people in their immediate neighborhood is because that is not where the money...