The job of a landscape photographer is to record a scene. Yet, photographers often fail to capture what it felt like to be actually at a scene.
A good landscape photographer arrives at a scene early, and waits for the scene to unfold. Waiting patiently for changing colours and changing mood, which all go along with the change of the weather.
Vital to all of this is light – natural light and all the elements it brings to a scene.
To be able to use light correctly and creatively we first must understand it. Once we understand it we can use it to our advantage in creating beautifully, dramatic landscape images.
There are three basic qualities of light: intensity, direction and colour.
Intensity: refers to the strength of light. If the sun is high in the sky, light can be harsh and too strong. Cloudy days bring soft and defused light.
Direction: this refers to light placement. There are three categories of light placement: front, back and side-lighting. Side lighting produces more texture between light and shade.
Colour: the colour of sunlight varies depending upon conditions and time of day. If the sun shines at the...