The activation and movement of Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power) is extremely difficult. This is because the flow has to be obstructed. One feels carefree and joyous when there is no discipline. The taste buds are in ecstasy when allowed to eat anything and everything. As a result of habit our tongue wants both tasty food and excess in quantity. The same holds true for our genitals. Lusty people keep touching mental highs and lows and they go to extremes in all their activities. A man of lust never gets mental satiation, his body tires fast yet the mind keeps desiring more and more. The same holds true for all the sense organs. The mind is the eleventh sense organ. It has 3 taste buds i.e. greed, attachment and the ego. The entire body is full of lethargy. Ordinary lives flow in this direction. Vile activities that are beastly and ghostly in nature drop downwards. Hence obstructing this fall is as difficult as building a strong dam. And more difficult is vaporizing the salty water of the ocean so as to make it potable. Very powerful technology is required to dig wells or oil wells so as to...