If you’re considering hiring a limousine service, there are a number of factors you have to consider before you zero in on a limousine operator. Or else, you will be taken for a fine ride. The rental cost is quite important, but it should never be the sole deciding factor. To help you choose the best limousine company for your needs, we’ve created a list of questions that you shouldn’t hesitate to ask. A reliable and professional limousine operator will willingly give you all the answers.
How long has the limousine operator been in business and how many cars do they have in their fleet?
An established limousine operator is not always better than a new one. However, its quite crucial that an operator has ample cars as back up just in case the one you’re riding in breaks down.
What type of limousine do you require?
Limousines are nowadays available in various styles and colors. Will the limousine operator be able to provide the particular style that you’re looking for?
How are the chauffeurs?
Its important that the chauffeur driving the limousine is a professional, well attired, experienced, licensed and...