In online business we often discuss the idea of edge.
This elusive edge is what you apparently need if you want something better than your online competition. So we are advised to pursue this edge with everything we have.
Edge apparently is something closely linked with the proverbial Fountain of Youth. It can feed into the very elements needed for long-term success in online business.
So we talk about the edge, we yearn for the edge and we pay money to find out more clues about what edge can do for us.
The problem with edge I suppose is it can get dull rather quickly. After all many have found the edge and then it slipped away somehow and they were left edgeless.
However losing the edge only compels us to search for it with greater diligence. To yearn for its sharp blade.
When it comes to online business one of the many potential edge concepts is link popularity. Now, by itself it can be helpful, but it only becomes an edge component when combined with other online strategies for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a comprehensive method that plays by the rules of search engine algorithms to...