The head of a movie company sits down with his or her executives and discusses potential movie deals that have optioned. They make a list of the prospects and then reduce the selection to a few they really feel have potential.
The executives take that list and begin exploring ideas with creative staff and casting directors. The most promising films go into development with screen tests, costume and production and the film moves forward.
The day comes when filming begins and a day when the filming ends.
At that point the stars remain available for callbacks while the producer, director and editors begin the tedious work of capturing all the pieces and putting them together with effects and sound.
Someone else has been busy with their own list. These marketing experts are locking in premier dates and additional screens for opening night. Other members of the marketing team are making lists for media interviews for the stars of the show. Still other team members are making lists for what media outlets will be used for advertising.
Im sure I missed a few lists somewhere, but the idea is that everyone develops lists. For instance, most stores will...