List building is a prime component of networking.
Networking is a prime component of ecommerce.
Ecommerce is a prime component of a home-based business.
Home-based businesses are a prime component in dream fulfillment.
Dream fulfillment if s primary component in experiencing lifes purpose.
Lifes purpose is a primary component in satisfaction.
If you follow a trail of logic back far enough it should lead either to an answer that enhances your life or makes it more complicated.
In this series of logic steps we start with a marketing tool that many may overlook list building. By following the cause and effect motion begun by list building we see that it ultimately aids in the fulfilling lifes purpose as it relates to business and personal passion and the ultimate satisfaction that may be realized.
Most of us work and then have a hobby we enjoy outside the workplace, but a wise man once told me that I should find a way to make my hobbies pay for themselves.
For instance if I enjoy fishing I should try to find some way to make that pay for itself. Maybe my love of fishing becomes a catalyst for a business that escorts...