The German language has very different pronunciation pattern compared to English. If you have been speaking the English language since you were born, speaking in German could become quite a challenge. But this doesnt entirely mean that learning German is impossible for an adult.
Similar to children, we can still adapt to the changes a certain language requires. Though the learning process of an adult is slower compared to a childs ability to learn and speak a new language, the possibility is still there. A persons adeptness to speak a foreign language, specifically the German language entirely depends on how interested and determined he is in pursuing it.
There are so many aspects of the German language one must learn. One of the many important areas of the German language which a person must be able to deal with is the pronunciation. To be able to pronounce German words properly, one needs to listen intently. Listening should be used at all times when learning German. The same rule goes with other languages of course. Although the German and English languages share some similar words, there are far more difficult words that require German accent and...